Mar 28, 2020 | Strategy
Weekly Market Recap It’s a sixth consecutive weekly loss for the major indices, though its look like market has recovered a lot from the bottom; certainly yes…, but, still weekly closing is in red. In the week gone be the benchmark SENSEX at least I can say...
Mar 21, 2020 | Strategy
Weekly Market Recap Markets dived, ended the worst consecutive second week in the history of the stocks market as NIFTY entered in the year of 2014 amid dire warnings about the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic as governments stepped up efforts to keep...
Mar 14, 2020 | Strategy
Weekly Market Recap Last week my blog heading was “Is Selling Over? Perhaps, Not Yet…!!” and the market fully respected my view and continued to slide further. In fact, Friday was the historical day when trading halted immediately after the opening when major...
Mar 8, 2020 | Strategy
Weekly Market Recap In line with my expectations, markets continued to fall, and stumbled and struggled to find out the at least near-term bottom. It is arduous to conclude that selling is over, perhaps, not yet. In the week gone by the benchmark SENSEX lost 720...